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3 Tips For Incorporating Energy Efficiency Into Your Newly Remodeled Home

By September 8, 2021January 19th, 2024No Comments3 min read

One reason why home remodeling projects are so popular is they give homeowners a chance to incorporate energy efficiency into their home design. This comes with many benefits, including a smaller carbon footprint and lower energy bills. If you’re interested in tapping into these benefits, here are three top tips for incorporating energy efficiency into your new home.

Upgrade to Energy Star Appliances

Kitchen renovations were one of the most common home remodeling projects in the United States in 2020. The trend doesn’t seem to be stopping. When most people renovate their kitchens, they also decide to upgrade their kitchen appliances because their old appliances look out of place in a newly designed space. In that case, looking for Energy Star appliances can increase your home’s energy efficiency considerably.

By purchasing appliances with the Energy Star designation, you’re guaranteed a product that has been certified independently in terms of quality, energy savings, and performance. Whatever the appliances you are purchasing, you will know for certain that you will save a lot on your energy bill in the long run.

Add More Insulation to Your Home

When your home is properly insulated, your heating and cooling costs will be lower. Proper insulation also helps your HVAC system to work efficiently and ensures better temperature regulation in your home. One of the most effective home insulation ideas is adding energy-efficient windows. High-performance, energy-efficient windows help to prevent extreme temperatures from affecting the climate in your home’s interior. They also have other benefits, such as a boost to your home’s value and the potential to save on utility costs.

Upgrade Your Lighting

Home remodeling projects provide you with the opportunity for many upgrades and one of them is lighting. You can install automatic lights in your home that only turn on during set times. In the same vein, you can install motion detection systems that turn the light on when someone is in the room and switch them off when the room is not being used. While on the subject of lights, don’t forget to switch to CFL or LED lights that are low cost and last longer.

These tips are some of the best ways you can make your home more energy-efficient. If you want this process to go more smoothly, we highly recommend working with a reputable home remodeling company, like Tabor Design Build. We can easily integrate these tips, and ensure that you will be pleased with the results.

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