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4 Signs It’s Time for a Bathroom Remodel

By February 8, 2022No Comments2 min read

A bathroom in any home should be a place of comfort and relaxation. After all, it’s the first room that you see besides your bedroom every day, and it’s the last one you see before going to bed. But because bathrooms are used so much, they often require more maintenance. Here are four surefire signs it’s time for a bathroom remodel in your home.

Unorganized Layout

If you find yourself stumbling around in the bathroom or squeezing past family members, it may be time for a bathroom remodel. Redesigning your bathroom layout can do wonders for the layout as well as the aesthetics.

Poor Lighting

If you find yourself blinded by overhead lights or struggling to put on makeup under dim lighting, it’s probably time for a bathroom remodel. You may just amaze yourself with how new and fresh your bathroom looks with a little updating.

Old Finishes and Fixtures

If you’ve noticed your bathroom has popcorn ceilings, peeling wallpaper, or outdated colors, a refresh is definitely in order. Consider installing a modern toilet, a nice bathtub or shower, and new bathroom tiles. When picking colors, go for a simple palette of gray, black, or white. It will look updated, timeless and it will only add to the feelings of comfort you should feel in your bathroom.

No Storage

No matter how updated your bathroom may be or how beautiful the color scheme, no bathroom remodel is complete without plenty of storage. You can’t do what you need to do in the bathroom with a cluttered vanity or no closet space for towels and toiletries.

Now that you know what to look for, you may be wondering how much it will cost. Prices can vary, but it’s estimated the average bathroom remodel runs about $10,000. Surveys have shown that 75% of homeowners set aside money for home repairs and 80% stick to the budget they’ve set. So, before you start any projects, create a plan of attack, a budget, and stick to that plan.

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